I'm getting a number two error on my pellet stove.

Nov 9, 2018 - 8:04 PM

  • My stove isn't running. It shuts down and the number two heat level light won't stop flashing. What does this mean? Please help. Thank you.

  • There's not enough air pressure in your stove to close the vacuum switch to keep it running. The stove is being shut down for safety so you don't get smoke in your house. There are several possible unsafe conditions that may cause this. 1.) Blocked venting by a bird or ash buildup. 2) A defective Exhaust Blower 3) A blocked vacuum hose 4) A leaky door or ash pan gasket. Also it can be caused by a defective vacuum switch. Check these conditions and clean or replace the bad part.

    This post was edited Nov 9, 2018 09:35PM
  • How do I go about checking these things?

  • Check the air pressure with a magnehelic gauge or manometer. Usually, the reading should be below (more negative). -0.30 in-wg. To test the effectiveness of the gaskets, use the dollar bill test. Close the firedoor or ash pan on a dollar bill. You should not be able to pull it out. You can also test your exhaust blower with a line chord to see it is working. You can also blow out the vacuum hose to see if it is blocked. To test if the vacuum switch is working you must determine if it holds air. Pump some air into the switch with a brake bleeder tool with a gauge.

  • Thanks. I think I have a good idea of what the problem is now. I'll let you know if I have any more questions

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