Kozy - WLD-P High Limit Switch (Snap Disk) - Pellet Stove- Selco Upgraded L250M- Manual Reset

This high limit switch L-250 Manual Reset (snap disk) fits Kozy Pellet Stoves, and more. The high limit switch should trip if the internal stove temperature reaches 250 Degrees F and shut the auger and stove down for safety. Some stoves have faulty high limit switches or are designed to trip at 225 or 200 Degrees F. This prevents you from running your stove at a higher heat setting. The Selco high quality snap disc will not trip unless there is a real safety issue, allowing you to run your stove safely at a higher heat setting if desired. See specifications at the bottom of the page. Replaces Pelpro / GlowBoy KS-5100-1330



These SPST snap action thermostats have a factory calibrated, thermally and electrically insulated bimetal disc to open a circuit. The contacts may be manually reset after the control has cooled approximately 30% below the open calibration.

Open ºF

250 ± 14



Electrical Ratings

120VAC, 240VAC, 25 Amps, 60Hz, Resistive
120VAC, 10FLA, 60LRA, 60Hz, Inductive
240VAC, 5FLA, 30LRA, 60Hz, Inductive
5,000 Cycles

Dielectric Strength

1500VAC/1 minute


C-UL Recognized File No. E145478(S), XAPX8
UL Recognized File No. E145478(S), XAPX2